Sehenswürdigkeiten in Deutschland

Speyer, die ehemalige Reichsstadt eine der ältesten Städte Deutschlands.
Seit 1981 gehört der im 11. Jahrhundert erbaute Dom zum Weltkulturerbe.
In ihm sind die Salierkaiser und die ersten Habsburger begraben.

Sights in Germany - Speyer, a former Imperial City and one of Germany’s
oldest towns, has a famous cathedral, which has been on the UNESCO World
Heritage List since 1984. It was built between 1030 and 1061 by the Salian
Emperors, who have their burial site here as well as the Staufer and some
of the Habsburg emperors.
Speyer has also other churches worth a visit, a town gate (Altpörtel) and a
completely preserved Jewish bath (mikveh). The Historical Museum of the Pfalz
presents regional antiquities and the Technikmuseum Speyer presents
airplanes, boats, locomotives etc.

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Foto von Thomas Höckmann 1983



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05.04.18 © Höckmann
